Apple Vision Pro Apps

Apple Vision Pro: 1000+ Apps and a Glimpse into the Future

Just two months after its groundbreaking launch, Apple Vision Pro, the revolutionary AR/VR device from Apple, has reached a major milestone with over 1000 apps designed specifically for the device. This indicates high developer and user interest in this new platform.

Rapid Growth:

The number of apps available for Vision Pro has grown rapidly since its launch on February 2, 2024. At launch, there were 600 apps available, and the number increased to 800 within two weeks. Now, just two months after launch, the number of apps has reached over 1000.

Diverse Apps:

The apps available for Vision Pro cover a wide range of categories, including:

  • Games: Immersive games that utilize Vision Pro’s AR/VR features to deliver unique and engaging gameplay experiences.
  • Entertainment: Streaming movies and videos in 3D, as well as apps for watching virtual concerts and events.
  • Social: Interacting with friends and family in a virtual space, as well as apps for meeting new people.
  • Creativity: Tools for editing photos and videos, as well as apps for creating 3D art and design.
  • Education: Interactive and immersive learning tools for various subjects.
  • Business: Apps for virtual meetings, presentations, and collaboration.

Major Impact:

The rapid growth shows the high level of developer and user interest in this new platform. This indicates that Vision Pro has the potential to transform the way we work, learn, and play.

Potential and Features of Vision Pro Apps Beyond Entertainment:


  • Virtual classrooms: Teachers can teach virtually to students anywhere in the world, using 3D models and simulations to make learning more interactive and engaging.
  • Remote training: Doctors, engineers, and other professionals can be trained using realistic simulations to practice complex procedures and scenarios.
  • Self-paced learning: Users can learn about various subjects by exploring 3D environments and interacting with virtual objects.


  • Training simulations: Pilots, firefighters, and military personnel can be trained in a safe and controlled environment using realistic simulations.
  • Skills training: Technicians and other workers can learn new skills using interactive step-by-step instructions.
  • Employee onboarding: New employees can be trained on company culture and work procedures in a more engaging and interactive way.


  • Virtual shopping: Users can “try on” clothes and other products virtually before buying them.
  • Virtual showrooms: Retailers can create virtual showrooms to showcase their products to customers.
  • Customer support: Online stores can provide better customer support by using AR to show customers how to use their products.

Specific Features of Some Popular Vision Pro Apps:

  • Tilt Brush: This app allows users to paint in 3D in a realistic and intuitive way.
  • Beat Saber: This game challenges users to slice flying cubes with virtual lightsabers.
  • Wanderlust: This app allows users to explore different places around the world in 3D.

Reactions from Users and the Tech Community:

  • Users are generally enthusiastic about Vision Pro apps and their potential to change the way we work, learn, and play. Many users have praised the immersive and interactive experiences offered by Vision Pro apps. They are also pleased with the wide variety of apps available, ranging from games and entertainment to education and training.
  • The tech community has praised Apple for Vision Pro’s innovative design and open app platform. Developers are excited about the new opportunities offered by Vision Pro and they have shown creativity and innovation in developing apps for the platform.
  • However, some developers have expressed concerns about the complexity of developing Vision Pro apps. The platform is still new and there is a steep learning curve for developers who want to create apps for Vision Pro.

Overall, the reaction to Vision Pro apps has been very positive. Users and the tech community are excited about the potential of this platform and they believe that Vision Pro will play a major role in the future of AR/VR.