Online Shopping More Secure with Apple Cash in iOS 17.4 Beta!

Tired of the limitations of Apple Cash for online shopping? Good news for iPhone users! The Apple Beta iOS 17.4 introduces a revolutionary new feature: the Apple Cash virtual card number.

What is the Apple Cash Virtual Card Number?

The Apple Cash virtual card number works just like a virtual debit card. It has a unique card number, expiration date, and security code for each transaction. This card number is separate from your regular Apple Cash.

You can access it through the “Set Up Virtual Card Number” option in the Apple Wallet app on iOS 17.4. Each transaction uses a different security code, making it even more secure.

In addition, this virtual card number can be easily accessed through the Safari Autofill feature, speeding up the online payment process.

Benefits of Using the Apple Cash Virtual Card Number

  • Shop Online More Widely: Use Apple Cash at more online stores, even if they don’t support Apple Pay. Statistics show that 15% of online stores still don’t accept Apple Pay, so this feature opens up wider shopping opportunities.
  • Enhanced Security: Each transaction uses a unique security code, minimizing the risk of fraud.
  • Easy to Access and Use: Access the virtual card number directly through the Apple Wallet app and use it like a regular debit card when checking out online.

About Apple Cash

Apple Cash is a digital payment service similar to a debit card. Users can send and receive money through Apple Pay and other messaging apps. Funds stored in Apple Cash can later be transferred to a bank account or other debit card.

Additionally, cashback earned through Apple Pay is credited to Apple Cash and can be used to pay off Apple Pay balances.

Apple Cash in the Online World

Previously, Apple Cash used the Discover Global Network. However, in 2022, Apple switched to Visa.

However, the limitation of Apple Cash was that it didn’t have a card number, so users couldn’t shop online.

With the introduction of the virtual card number feature, users can now use Apple Cash on websites that don’t support Apple Pay.

The Future of Apple Cash

This feature is currently in the Apple Beta stage on iOS 17.4, which is expected to be released in March 2024.

The introduction of this virtual card number is a strategic move by Apple to expand the reach of Apple Cash and make it easier for users to shop online.

With its guaranteed security and ease of use, this feature has the potential to be an attractive option for Apple Cash users.

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