Mark Zuckerberg Sets His Sights on Artificial General Intelligence

Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Meta, recently announced the company’s new focus: creating artificial general intelligence (AGI). In an interview with The Verge, Mark Zuckerberg explained his vision for AGI, which he believes will be the “most important technology that humans ever develop.”

What is AGI?

AGI is a type of artificial intelligence that is capable of understanding and performing any task that a human can. This is in contrast to traditional AI, which is designed to solve specific tasks (such as recognizing faces or translating languages). AGI, on the other hand, would have the ability to learn and adapt to new situations, allowing it to perform a wide variety of tasks.


  • Ability to understand and use language
  • Ability to learn and adapt
  • Ability to solve problems
  • Ability to reason and make decisions
  • Ability to be creative


  • Global problem solving: AGI can help solve some of the world’s biggest problems, such as climate change and disease.
  • New experiences: AGI can help create new experiences that are richer and more fulfilling for humans.
  • Increased productivity: AGI can automate many tasks that are currently done by humans, freeing up time and resources for other activities.


  • Safety and control: One of the biggest challenges is developing AI that is safe and controllable. If AGI becomes too powerful, it could pose a risk to humanity.
  • Time: Experts estimate that AGI is still several decades away from being realized.
  • Ethics: The use of AGI raises complex ethical questions, such as the potential for job displacement and discrimination.

Why is Zuckerberg Targeting AGI?

Mark Zuckerberg believes that AGI has the potential to solve some of the world’s biggest problems, such as climate change and disease. He also believes that AGI can help create new experiences that are richer and more fulfilling for humans. Meta has formed a new team dedicated to the research and development of AGI. The team will be led by Yann LeCun, one of the world’s leading AI researchers. Meta also plans to invest in AGI research at universities and other labs.

The Competition to Create AGI

Meta is not the only company that is racing to create AGI. Many other technology companies are also working on this ambitious goal. The competition is heating up, signaling the rapid progress of technology.

  • Google, with its experienced and well-funded AI team, is one of the pioneers in AGI development. Google Brain, its flagship AI project, has made important breakthroughs in the field of deep learning. Google also acquired DeepMind, an AI company known for AlphaGo, the AI program that beat the world Go champion.
  • OpenAI, a non-profit organization founded by Elon Musk and Sam Altman, has a noble goal: to develop AGI that is safe and beneficial to humanity. GPT-3, one of their most famous AI projects, has shown its ability to generate realistic and coherent text.
  • DeepMind, the AI company acquired by Google, has not only broken barriers with AlphaGo, but also with AlphaFold, an AI program that can predict the structure of proteins. This capability has great potential in the field of medicine and biotechnology.
  • Microsoft, Amazon, Nvidia, and many other companies are also not to be left behind in this race. They are constantly investing and developing their own AGI projects.

This competition is paving the way for a new era: the era of New Generation Artificial Intelligence. It remains to be seen who will be the first to achieve this goal. However, one thing is for sure: this race will drive innovation and rapid technological advancement, bringing benefits to all of humanity.