AWS Launches AI Competency Program to Boost SMBs

Amazon Web Services (AWS) recently launched a new program aimed at helping small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) build competencies in artificial intelligence (AI), cloud, and other technical skills to become more competitive. The competency program leverages the expertise of partner companies that have experience helping small businesses implement technical solutions.

The program launched with 30 initial partners, including 17 based in the US, that can provide a range of services for SMBs from AI and machine learning to cloud implementation, security solutions, and customer relationship management tools.

Benefits of the AWS Competency Program for SMBs:

  • Gain access to the expertise and experience of trusted AWS partners.
  • Increase efficiency and productivity with the right technology solutions.
  • Strengthen competitiveness in an increasingly digital marketplace.
  • Unlock new opportunities for growth and innovation.

How the AWS Competency Program Works:

  • AWS selects partners based on their target market and track record of working with SMBs.
  • SMBs can contact AWS and explain the problems they want to solve.
  • AWS will match the SMB with a partner that offers the right solution.
  • The partner will work with the SMB to design and implement a solution that meets their specific needs.

Example of Implementation:

Magellantv, a company with a large collection of documentary films, partnered with Mission Cloud, one of the AWS competency program partners, to conduct a security review of their network.

Mission Cloud then proposed using generative AI to translate Magellantv’s videos into multiple languages with subtitles. This solution helped Magellantv expand their market and open up new opportunities for growth.

Message for SMBs:

The AWS competency program is an opportunity for SMBs to upskill and become more competitive in the digital age. By leveraging the expertise and experience of AWS partners, SMBs can boost efficiency, productivity, and unlock new opportunities for growth.

This program is a valuable tool for SMBs looking to enhance their skills and competitiveness in the digital age. By utilizing this program, SMBs can unlock new opportunities for growth and success.

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